

By June 28, 2022 No Comments

InStrat was a member of the implementing consortium for the 2020 – 2025 USAID-funded Tuberculosis (TB) LON (Local Organizations Network) Regions 1 &2 Project, led by KNCV TB Foundation, Nigeria. The start-up of the Project in early 2020 coincided with the start of the COVID19 Pandemic and the subsequent Government of Nigeria, lockdowns, travel restrictions and social distancing mandates. As part of the project start-up requirements, KNCV hired approximately 600 Adhoc staff to support it field implementation of the project. Initial project orientation and training on TB was required for effective mobilization of the Adhoc staff. Face-to-face training was not possible give Covid19 travel and social distancing restrictions. InStrat volunteered to provide the VTR Mobile platform for the initial training given that VTR Mobile can deliver training remotely. Using VTR Mobile, KNCV invited a total of 599 Adhoc staff to complete the training, and 480 successfully completed it and received Completion Certificates. To manage content development costs, we converted voice-over audio recordings overlayed on Powerpoint presentations prepared by KNCV staff, to mp4 video files acceptable by the VTR Mobile Platform and uploaded them to the backend. Training courses included basic knowledge of TB, TB symptomatic screening and identification of presumptive TB Cases, and documentation of relevant recording and reporting tools. Also included was InStrat’s COVID19 training course for Clinical Health Workers developed in partnership with University of Leeds, Foundation for Health Innovation and Development (FHIND) and Anadach Group.

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