EWORS (Early Warning Disease Outbreak Recognition) uses advanced surveillance mechanisms to detect disease outbreaks earlier than is possible. EWORS allows for the electronic collection and analysis of routine clinical and nonclinical data, to identify the likelihood of occurrence of a disease outbreak in a given geography. Disease outbreaks are possible when there is a significantly higher occurrence of reported symptoms than historical patterns in that geography.

EWORS - Disease Outbreak Surveillance

EWORS automatically sends Elevated Disease Activity (EDA) alerts to State and Local Government Disease Surveillance and Notification Officers for further investigation in affected areas. This mechanism allows proactive identification of disease occurrences and earlier interventions to prevent outbreaks from occurring.
Heat Maps
We provide heat maps showing real-time status of actively monitored diseases in active surveillance areas. These heat maps can be displayed on large screen monitors in Emergency Operations Centers at National and Regional Health levels. EWORs has been in use in Badagry and Epe LGA of Lagos State (Nigeria) and Ifedore LGA of Ondo State (Nigeria) since 2017. Routine electronic disease surveillance is now being conducted in 110 health facilities in these two states.